You Are Light In The Darkness

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.

As we sit on the heels of Black History Month, I have been reflecting on historical figures whose characteristics I try my best to emulate-whether in my art or in the ways in which I navigate my place in society.  Leaders like Dr. King, Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Sidney Poitier, Toni Morrison, Harry Belafonte, and many others have helped to shape who I am. They have served as light in this world in times of extreme darkness, and have used their skills to enlighten skeptics of the black experience; while painting a picture of a world that positively portrays every race on the canvas of democracy. 

Knowing who and what has come before me, I accept the fact that the light they have offered this world has not been extinguished. These leaders have reminded me that the same light that lived inside them also lives within me and within each and every one of us. 

Unfortunately, it’s sometimes buried deep down in moments when we feel powerless, useless, or unwanted-but it’s there. The light is there when we volunteer our time to help somebody else. It’s there when we open our homes to a young child with no home. That ever glowing light is there when we stop bullying in its tracks and stop our friends and colleagues from using hateful speech. It’s there when we lift our voices in song to memorialize the figures that have come before us, whose lives reflect dignity and integrity. 

That light is present in our souls when we live with love in our hearts.

It only takes a spark to turn darkness into light.
You are that spark.

You must believe that you are not weak. You are not powerless. You are light. 

Regardless of age, which country you come from, who you love, how you worship, if you live with a disability, if you’re dirt poor, or if you come from a broken home- as long as there is love in your heart, there will be light also. So use it. 

Someone in this life is waiting to be led by you. Someone is waiting to be loved by you. They are waiting to experience your light, and the only thing you have to do is be willing to show it.

So, in the words of that old familiar tune,

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine

Let it shine.”


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